National Painting & Printmaking Awards 2011

Posted 14 years ago    0 comments

Its that time of year again, where the  New Zealand Painting and Printmaking Award is happening at the Hamilton Gardens' as part of the Summer Arts Festival 2011.

Over 300 entries were submitted this year so it was certainly a big job for the judge, Warwick Brown, to pick this year’s winner. Warwick Brown is well-known as a commentator, author, gallery owner and now artist; and is widely experienced in the New Zealand art scene

The highly sought prize, donated by the Philip Vela Family Trust, is worth $30,000 which, together with assured purchase of the winning work, places this event at the forefront of New Zealand’s art awards.    Since the awards started back in 2000, winners and also finalists have used their achievement to springboard their careers. The list is now become a "who's who" of the country's top artists.

This year's winner was - John McLean for his oil painting on canvas titled 'Dinghy and waka with unstable foreshore structures.' 

With merit awards going to -

Garry Currin for - 'Various distances apart    Kaipara'  (oil on canvas)

Jenny Dolezel for 'What is this 'Real Life' thing I keep hearing about? (III)'  (oil on canvas)

Gina Jones for 'Untitled' (square hologram)  (lenticular photograph)

Ian Moore - 'JG01.1'   (acrylic on canvas)

Scott Powell for 'Interculture'   (acrylic)

All artwork is for sale and the exhibition is free to attend. Open from the 19th February until the 20th March 2011

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