Art Therapy as an Art Career

Posted 12 years, 9 months ago    2 comments

What exactly is Art Therapy? To explain it briefly it is a form of psychotherapy that uses art media as its primary mode of communication.

Its not necessary to have any skills or experience in art to go have art therapy as the diagnosis from what they express with painting or drawing is the main concern of the therapist, not how well they can paint something. The use of art as a way to express and communicate ones thoughts and feelings is a way to show things that they may otherwise not be able to express verbally or in other ways. The whole idea is for the clients to be able to make changes and grow on a personal level through the use of the art materials in a safe environment.

A career in art therapy does not mean you need to be an artist however most art therapists do have a considerable understanding of art processes that assist their therapeutic practice; they work with both individuals and groups in a variety of residential and community based settings like adult and child mental health services, learning disabilities centres as well as places like youth and family centres, palliative care and in the prison service.

Its not an easy career by any means, as the art therapist's work is sometimes challenging and calls for skill and sensitivity and is often mentally taxing; It’s a very rewarding career however and most art therapists will tell you of the job satisfaction they get from helping others heal and recover.

To become a registered art therapist you need to have a tertiary qualification in a field such as, teaching, nursing, psychology, fine arts or art education, and a postgraduate diploma or masters degree in art therapy. Details of training institutions in NZ below

Psychotherapy at AUT Auckland

Interactive Drawing Therapy - Auckland

When it comes to Art therapy, well a picture speaks a thousand words!


How to make a Monster: The Art & Technology of Animatronics exhibition

Posted 12 years, 11 months ago    2 comments

Enter a world where art meets technology and animatranics brings monsters to life! This exciting exhibition is based around the various stages in the creation of monsters and creatures made for motion pictures from script writing to creature design and mechanics.

Every aspect of animatronics is included. Experiment with different lighting effects, touch the guts of the pitch black aliens, direct dinosaurs and  see how mechanical eyes respond to the movements detected by motion sensors.

How to Make a Monster, the art and technology of animatronics was created by John Cox's Creature Workshop Pty Ltd.

Visual Effects Academy Award winner for Babe, John Cox has more than 35 years experience making creatures and monsters for feature films including Pitch Black, Scooby Doo, Narnia - Dawn Treader, Peter Pan, George of the Jungle 2 and Inspector Gadget 2.

Runs until 15th July 2012

Where: The Waikato Museum, 1 Grantham St, Hamilton
Cost: Adults $12, kids $6
Time: 10:30am – 4:30pm
Further Details:

Information provided by

Hamilton Gardens Arts Festival 2012

Posted 13 years ago    0 comments


It’s that time of year again, where the Hamilton Gardens will be hosting a magnificent feast of arts and entertainment over 2 weeks starting this Friday the 17th February 2012.

Head lining this year’s programme is Dame Malvina Major, who we are very proud to have back living in the Waikato. There is plenty to see and hear from the National Painting and Printmaking awards through to top comedy and music acts, plenty of theatrical productions and outdoor film events where you can sit on the lawn and watch the big screen, don’t forget to take along a deck chair and a picnic for those ones!

For more information and the full programme, check out the Hamilton Gardens arts festival site 

Artist in Residence

Posted 13 years ago    2 comments

What Is an Artist-in-Residence? Well the specifics vary from program to program, but basically an artist-in-residence usually means you're given somewhere to live, some to money to live on, and a studio to work in for a set period of time. This can be anywhere from a week to a year. In return you may be expected to teach, donate a painting, hold an exhibition, or simply work in an open studio so people are exposed to an artist, so they can watch you at work and talk to you. Again, it varies. But doesn’t that sound great!?!

The benefit to an artist is that it takes you out of your usual routine and away from your everyday stresses. It exposes you to a new environment and your work to new people. Sometimes there are other artists in residence at the same time, sometimes you’re the only one.

You need to weigh up whether being an artist-in-residence is something you'll find beneficial as only you can decide, based on your personal circumstances like for me having a family means it is difficult to take time out form regular life. You also need to consider if your style of working will fit into what is expected of the program you may be accepted for.

So how do you find an artist-in-residence program? There are many to choose from all over the world as well as in our own backyard. The best place to look is on the internet, try using keywords such as "artist-in-residence", plus a location if you want to be somewhere specific.

For New Zealand opportunities, check out these sites –

and some overseas opportunities can be found here

Artists I have spoken to who have been part of such programs have benefited really well from the experience. As we all know its hard work making ends meet and being productive with your work whilst trying to not compromise your art, so things like this can take away the stress of money woes while you put all your time and energy into focusing on your art.

Waikato Nesian Festival 2011

Posted 13 years, 3 months ago    0 comments

Waikato Nesian Festival is running for the third year this year and is about celebrating our diverse Pacific heritage. The festival will be held at the Caludelands Common Grounds. on Saturday 26th Novmeber 2011 10am until 4pm. Its free to attend and should be a good day out for the whole community.

Food, live performances, stalls, arts and crafts and much more will be happening through the day.

Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Maori, Hawaii, Samoa, Tahiti, Solomon Islands,Tokelau, Tonga, Niue and Tuvalu are the cultures featured, if you are interested in performing or having a stall at this wonderful event please  give  either

Vitinia Waqairatu a call on 022 037 1013 or 07 834 1482  

Papaloloa on  07 834 1482

Angeline McCormakc on 027 203 7268 or 07 9576644   or

Louisa Humphry on 027 2216704 or 07 8471107 for more information and they will rpovide you with the necessary application forms.

Check out the attached poster for more information

Hamilton Fringe festival 2011

Posted 13 years, 4 months ago    0 comments

Hamilton’s Fringe Festival this year is the biggest Fringe Festival ever. Over 300 local artists, performers and directors are presenting a riotous smorgasbord of art events which started on the 22nd September and end on the 2nd October so you need to get in quick. New and emerging talent steps up into the limelight alongside established artists in this annual celebration of our regions enviable creative abundance.

The Hamilton Fringe Festival focuses on encouraging original and explorative expression, Visual art, comedy, film, theatre, music, dance and poetry are all featured, so there is something for everyone.

York Street Studios (a place I used to hang out at in the 1980s when it was Mandrill Studios.) presents ‘York Street Studio Band Experiments which is a ‘battle of the bands’ format music competition with a twist. The event features bands of many different styles, and it has gained a solid reputation within New Zealand for choosing bands that have moved on to great success. Previous contenders include Cornerstone Roots, Katchafire, Sora Shima, Dick Dynamite & the Doppelgangers and Knights of the Dub Table. The final night of this is at Flow Bar on Friday the 30th  September at 9.00pm.

Another event not to be missed is the Glamilton Hurley Burley Burlesque Show, which is on Friday the 30th Sept and Saturday the 1st October starting at 10.00pm at the Meteor Theatre.

Bombshell Burlesque & Burlesque Divas present to you Through the Keyhole Pretty Peepshow. Originally from the late 1800s, burlesque has once again shimmied its way into popular culture. Geared toward the adult crowd this burlesque spectacle involves, cheeky comedy, vaudeville fun, glamorous costumes, sassy routines, and a hint of tease. The lovely Miss Betsy Rose Lee, who is also the Crowning Miss Burlesque NZ 2011 headlines the show. $25 presale, $30 limited door sales or $40 VIP table (6 to a table – includes glass of bubbly and cupcake. Sorry no door sales on VIP tables) Please note this is an R18 show.

All in all the Fringe festival has many delectable delights and there are oh so many that I can’t list them all here, so here is the link to their fabulous site programme page, the designs which were created by one of our clients Leighton Davies.



J Stewart Art Exhibition

Posted 13 years, 5 months ago    3 comments

One of our clients, Jamie Stewart is having his first solo art exhibition here in Hamilton and would like to extend an invitation to our subscribers to attend the opening function on Thursday the 15th September 2011 at 7.00pm.

The exhibition will be held at the old Abode building in Collingwood Street, Hamilton.

An exhibtion cultivating New Zealand Landscape and beauty.

We hope you will be able to support Jamie by visting his exhibition if you are in or around Hamilton during his exhibition which runs from the 15th to the 21st of September 2011

Crowd Funding

Posted 13 years, 6 months ago    2 comments

All of us at times may need to get funding for our projects and anyone who has tried, successfully or not knows how difficult it can be to achieve what with budget cuts, recessions, and of course the millions of others also applying for limited funding amounts in competition with each other.

Crowd funding is the new way to get funding for your projects. The following article on The Big Idea website explains it in more depth and has some great links to other sites that you will find most useful. In a nutshell crowd funding is about getting your fans to put in small amounts of money and help build up to the required amount needed for the project. The artist/musician/actor etc. engages the fans in the process by doing things like giving them film credits etc. or like in one situation where I helped a fellow artist to attend a residency overseas, I received a share certificate, a newsletter and a postcard from her while on her overseas trip and a small artwork created from the residency as a thank you for helping make it happen.

Well worth considering if you have a large fan base you can call on and a worthwhile project that would encourage them to assist you with.

Here is the link to the article


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