The Artspace program on Community Radio

Posted 14 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

Community Radio has an arts program that they broadcast every Thursday evening from 5.00 - 6.00pm. Called the Artspace program you can tune into it on 106.7FM and 1206AM in the Waikato and on Village Radio in Tauranga. You can hear the program via live stream or on podcast also at 

This is a good way to keep up with whats happening in the art world in our region and if you have an arts event to promote, or you know of something happening in your community then give them a call. The would laso love to hear from you if there is an arts issue that you’d like to hear more about, so this is an excellent opportunity to have your say or find out more about the arts and what is happening in the area.

The studio itself is located on the corner of Collingwood and Ruakiwi Roads in Hamilton's CBD. They are happy to conduct interviews over the phone from anywhere in the world so you don't even have to go in!  Just give them a landline number and they’ll give you a call.

You can find Community Radio's Artspace on Facebook also, check them out here -!/pages/Artspace-Radio/158122214198469  and if you have any other enquiries feel free to give Renee a call on 07 853 6472 or 021 322 407

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