Waikato Times Hamilton Gardens Arts Festival 2011

Posted 14 years, 1 month ago    0 comments

The Hamilton Gardens Arts Festival, a popular annual event in the Waikato, will be held from the 18th February to the 3rd March 2011. The festival is sponsored by the Waikato Times and is a massive two weeks of art events held at the Hamilton Gardens off Cobham Drive. Over 65 acts will be performing in over 200 events of which there are some free and some ticketed. With so much variety planned, there is something for every possible taste.

The Waikato Times Wine, Food and Jazz Festival will held on the 26th and 27th February in the Rose Gardens during the Arts Festival and is an event you won’t want to miss with local vineyards and restaurants taking part.

The National Painting and Printmaking Awards, one of New Zealand’s most  prestigious awards will be exhibited at the Pavilion with the awards ceremony taking place on the 18th February 18 at 6pm. Tickets are $10 at the door or can be purchased  from WSA at Artspost Victoria Street Hamilton. It will be a stimulating exhibition of the work of some of our best visual artists, selected by this years judge Warwick Brown, who is well known writer on the visual arts in New Zealand. Don’t forget to vote for your favourite piece in the show as there is a People’s Choice award also. For more information and a list of events, you can see the calendar and download your own programme from the events website here - http://www.hamiltongardensartsfestival.co.nz/home/

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