How to make a Monster: The Art & Technology of Animatronics exhibition

Posted 12 years, 11 months ago    2 comments

Enter a world where art meets technology and animatranics brings monsters to life! This exciting exhibition is based around the various stages in the creation of monsters and creatures made for motion pictures from script writing to creature design and mechanics.

Every aspect of animatronics is included. Experiment with different lighting effects, touch the guts of the pitch black aliens, direct dinosaurs and  see how mechanical eyes respond to the movements detected by motion sensors.

How to Make a Monster, the art and technology of animatronics was created by John Cox's Creature Workshop Pty Ltd.

Visual Effects Academy Award winner for Babe, John Cox has more than 35 years experience making creatures and monsters for feature films including Pitch Black, Scooby Doo, Narnia - Dawn Treader, Peter Pan, George of the Jungle 2 and Inspector Gadget 2.

Runs until 15th July 2012

Where: The Waikato Museum, 1 Grantham St, Hamilton
Cost: Adults $12, kids $6
Time: 10:30am – 4:30pm
Further Details:

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